Friday, February 18, 2011

Fall 2011: Z Spoke by Zac Posen and Alexander Wang

Z Spoke by Zac Posen
I wasn't completely crazy for the makeup in this line. It was too goth compared to the clothes. That negative comment aside, I'll get to all the awesome parts of this line.

I love the draping on this top. I have one just like it in lavender!
This is a dark, sexy color and the design is beautiful.
I love this bright color, but the model is covering the dress with her arm! The dress is slipping off, it doesn't even fit her properly….
I love the cardigan on this one. As for the pose, I can't say the same. *sigh*

Least Favorites:
This one is the only one I didn't like of the entire collection. It's just way too baggy, that's my only problem.
Z Spoke by Zac Posen Fall 2011

Alexander Wang
I loved the leather, tough-girl look Wang injected into this collection. He loves his hybrids, as in, he can take a parka and combine it with a sweater that flows down into a dress. In this collection he wanted to "poke fun at luxury" and take everything you think of when you think "outerwear" and combine it into one. He certainly did just that.
Don't you just love the color of those jeans? I only have boring blue jeans so any other colors tend to excite me…

The clothes in the top and bottom pictures are beautiful silk tendrils that flap around when the models walk.

A perfect example of a sweater/poncho/dress.
It's like the texture of a coat, on a shoe. These are a really interesting pair of shoes.
Alex Wang had a lot of these flaps on his shoes. I like to think of it as a little cape for the shoe! It's so cute. This exact shoe is also in red and silver. There are also other shoes with huge pom-poms on them and the same flap in red, black and silver as well. I'm not putting up pictures in fear of boring you with too many details, because I still have to do my least favorites! (don't worry it's only one this time.)
Least Favorite:
This reminds me of a little girl playing dress-up in her daddy's work clothes. It doesn't go with the theme of the collection and it doesn't achieve Alex's goal in it. It's also very unflattering. But the shoes are the black pom-pom ones I was talking about before. You can't see the flap from this angle.
Alexander Wang Fall 2011
All photos are from

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